決まりました。。。I did it
I achieved my goal for this year
My research's result is accepted by an international conference. I am so happy now. Now I achieved my goal for this year. I can present my research's result in 2 conferences, one is in local conference (in Japan) and another is internatioal conference.
In fact, I got the letter of acceptance since last week, but I have to ask for permission from my prof. to join. When I submitted the paper, I didn't tell my prof. because I have no confidence of being accepted. After I was accepted, I was so scared of asking the permission from the prof., hehehe. But now I got the permission, and my prof. looked so happy when my in-charge-stuff told this to him.
If no permission from the prof., I can't join the conference. Firstly, he pays all the expense for the travel and secondly the paper is under his supervison.
Please don't do like me, we must ask for the permission before doing such important thing.
Anyway, I am so happy now. When we can achieve our goal, it is the happiest time for us and we have more power to make more and more effort.
Lucky me!

Congratulation to you! Today i jus have a bit time to pass by ur blog and yah glad to hear so:-)
Hi Socheat!
Thank you so much. I am also very happy. This year I can have another travel abroad (without paying a cent), hehehe.
Eh Hp, tov na tov? why lucky mes without paying any cent? surely u will pay for shopping leh not for urself but for me de he he he..
Yeah, pay for souvenir. I will find the ones I like for you, hehehe.
Souvenir! Don`t forget me :D
Congratualtions! yattane!
Hehehe, Ok! お土産、了解です。
woow thanks very much m waiting to receive it :-). btw, whr r u going?
Well, somewhere in the world and not japan, lolz.
Don't care where it is, I will prepare the souvernir for you.
OOOooooh! hi there! Congratulation! U did a welldone job! Try more! Wish u succeed another workshop abroad na! Prepare well for the next conference ahead lah! Sound u r so hapi norh! Cheers!
Oh deedee!
Thanx you. M so happy. Yeah, you are right, I must try more.
You too, try your best na. Wish you the best result for your final exam.
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