Friday, November 24, 2006

人生の選択。。。The choice of life...


The choice of life

Today, I went to do my part-time job. It was a kind of irregular work. I mean, I work only when there is work. I don't need to do it every week or day.
You know? my collegues were mostly the unemployed. In japan, unemployed people is not the one who can't find work like in Cambodia, but they are unemployed because they don't want to work. Some have no exact skill such as IT or else, but some do have their skill. The problem is that they don't want to work only.
I talked to one uncle who did the work with me. He used to be teacher of private school (extra class). He said he didn't like the job because he has had to prepare much and learn difficult thing. Now he is studying by himself to take the licence of some skills in information and telecommunication. He said he felt regret that he didn't try to study hard. If he had tried hard, he would be like today.
I felt something about this. People always feel regret when they know that it is too late. Not only him, but me too. Sometimes I feel regret of doing something or not doing somethig. I am trying not to live with regret. That's why I am trying every possibilities. I try all ways. It might be the way I shouldn't go, but at least I can learn that my way is not that one. For example, for the work today. I learnt that I shouldn't choose the way to be irregular employer. I must study harder.
Life is like a darkenend tunnel with many exit. We must find the way to bright place. So please don't hestitate to try thing. Don't limit your possibility. You can do more than you thought.


At 11/26/2006 12:35:00 pm, Blogger Barbie said...

Hi hp,

I do agree with what you said. Obviously, almost every people regret when they did something wrong, then they really wished to turn the time backward or to re-do it again. However, their wish is impossible. All they feel is regret with their choices.I myself often experience this too, and I always blame myself whenever I make the wrong decisions. Even if I am aware that nothing can be done to improve the circumstance, but I always tell myself that this is not my last chance at all. As I used to post on my blog:

"Even if I fail or succeed, it is no one, but my own. I am a brave force, I can clear any obstacles infront of me. My choices, my responsibilities, and my bright future are all waiting for me. Only I can hold the key to my destiny".

Regarding to this, I have never ever given up my determinations whenever I lose, or fall down. Just imagine this, when we first learned how to ride a bike, we fell many many times, and hurt ourselves often, but we didn't give up, we can lifted our bikes, and then we learned to ride it again. Our life is similiar to how we learn to ride the bike too. Sometimes we get victory, but sometimes we are defeated. Nothing is regular in this world.

In my view, your moral is extraordinary, and I'll write it to my Barbie Diary when I arrive home.

Thanks for sharing this, hp. I love it pretty much.

Take Care,

At 11/26/2006 01:24:00 pm, Blogger hp said...

Thanks for you comment, Michelle!
I am happy to know that you like it. You are a strong gal, and you will be the successful one in the near future. Please keep on your strong commitment toward life.
Wish you good luck and success!!!

At 11/27/2006 05:38:00 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

It's good you're trying hard to face your life. All the best to you

At 11/27/2006 05:57:00 pm, Blogger hp said...

Thank you a lot. Nice to have encouragement and wish from you. You too, good luck!

At 11/28/2006 07:46:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what do u think about ur part time job huh?
i wanna try it! wanna know how it tastes!


At 11/28/2006 08:48:00 pm, Blogger hp said...

Hi Tey,
My part-time job? It is a kind of new taste of life, I think. Work is for money, but we gain more than money there. We can see many different lives and that might be good material to manage our lives.
You wanna try it? Don't just be kidding. It is not the time yet. Please try to study hard. Build the way for your life first. You will be working after you finished your studies. Chance will come, but not now.


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