Saturday, November 03, 2007

結婚することが失敗だと思え。。。Let's think it is your failure to get married

昨日毎週あるファイナンスの授業に面白い言葉がありました。某コンサルタント会社の社長の講義でした。本当に面白かったです。さすが関西人って感じでし た。3時間の授業は一分一秒も無駄ではなかったです。もちろん、会社の経営理念、投資のやり方、またいろいろ経営上の「志」などなど。。。本当に面白かっ たです。専門のことはともかく、先生が冗談で言って面白かったのはこれでした:「結婚することが失敗だと思え」。どういうこと?
先生に言わせればこういうことです。先生の人生の中で一発で成功する、一発でうまくいく仕事はひとつもないそうです。会社経営だって何回も何回も失敗して ようやくうまくいったし、結婚みたいな重要で大きなことは一発で成功するはずがないですって。だから、結婚してから「あ~失敗した」と思うのは当然だし、 失敗だと思えば相手に期待することも少ないしうまくいくのです。このように、先生は50何年間仲良くやっているものです。
まぁ、これはただの先生の冗談にすぎないですが、これは間違いではないなぁと気もします。といいますのは、まず何事でも一発で成功すること が少ないですし、失敗とうまくつきあえば失敗したことも不幸でなくなるでしょうね。それに、多くの人は理想高く相手を探して結婚するのですが、理想と少し 違っただけで離婚したり、けんかしたりしないでしょうか。あんなつらい結婚生活を送るなら、最初からそれが失敗だと認めて自分の理想を下げて楽しい家族を作ること のほうがよっぽどいいことだと思います。

Getting married is a failure...

Yesterday, I took my financial strategy lesson as usual. But yesterday's lecturer was different from the others. He was chairman of a consulting company. Of course, his lecture was very interesting. It was about management, stock, manager's spirit and so on. At the end of the lecture, he told us a joke. He said, "Let's think that getting married is a failure of your life". Hehehe, what does it mean? How come are you that negative with your life, my teacher?
In fact, what he wanted to tell us was like this. He has never experienced success at the first try. What work ever he did, including his work on building up his company, he experienced failure. So such important thing as marriage, there is no reason you can have right choice at your first time. Everyone wishes to marry once for life, so it is highly possible that your choice is a failure.
Well, this might be only his joke. But I don't reject this idea. Most people, including me, wish to marry his/her ideal partner. Anyway, how many people can find his/her ideal partner? So if you think that getting married with that one is a failure, you don't expect much from him/her and your married life will be more relaxed and it might be the best life for you.



At 11/05/2007 01:16:00 am, Blogger 事務局 said...


At 11/05/2007 01:53:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...





At 11/05/2007 09:29:00 pm, Blogger hp said...



At 11/08/2007 11:41:00 pm, Blogger Cheatey said...

According to Profesor pooh (hehee,i might spell profesor wrong): To prevent to be a failure to get married, u should know each other for long enough before get mearried,rite? heheee that's all i know!!! (ignore me sometimess...) so yeah, never heard from ya! Watzzzzzzz up dude(err,hehehee i'm trying to use the new word that i learned...ehhee)???!

At 11/09/2007 11:34:00 am, Blogger hp said...

Oh pooh, sorry for long absence.
I am so busy at the time. Life is hard here, hehehe. Thanks for visiting here.

At 11/09/2007 06:20:00 pm, Blogger Barbie said...

Hi Hp,

I'm back, so I can keep reading every posts from you. Keep up the good work. Don't ask me who I am, ok?

Good Luck,

At 11/09/2007 06:57:00 pm, Blogger hp said...

Welcome back. Of course I know. It is P.S.
Good luck to you too.

At 11/11/2007 07:10:00 pm, Blogger Barbie said...

Nice try, Hp. You got it absolutely right(^_^). Having a hard life??? Eveything will be better soon.

Best Wishes,

At 11/18/2007 09:40:00 pm, Blogger Lyda said...

Hi! hp i just want to tell you a good news!!! is that my sister is going to marry soon!!!! .....sorry that haven't given my comments on your new post because m very busy with my universities stuff....ok have time chat more bye.

At 11/20/2007 04:24:00 pm, Blogger hp said...

Hi Lyda!
Good! Congratulation to your sister for her best day. Wish her longlast happiness.
Well, I forgot you are a university student now. How is your new life?
I hope it goes well.
Good luck!

At 11/25/2007 12:44:00 pm, Blogger Lyda said...

kMy new life??!! oh very busy!!! especially at IFL, lots of lots of homeworks, quizzes, assignments,....

Thanks that you wish my sister to has a longest happiness. N u too??when is your turn hp??!!! :)!! when you come to Cambodia??

At 12/05/2007 04:33:00 pm, Blogger hp said...

Good. You are busy. That helps you not to be lazy lolz.
Anyway, my turn to marry? Dun know yet. Maybe not soon. I don't know when I go to Cambodia yet. But I will go to visit my family when I have time.


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