Friday, February 15, 2008

ジム通いの成果。。。Outcome from going to gym

体脂肪を減らすには有酸素運動と無酸素運動の組み合わせを行えばいいらしいです。有酸素運動とはジョギングや走り、そしてサイクリングなどといったたくさ ん空気を吸って汗を流す運動です。この有酸素運動をすることによって体内脂肪が燃焼され脂肪が減るのです。そして無酸素運動とは筋トレーなど筋肉を強化す る運動です。この運動はあまりたくさん息を吸わないし、汗もそれほど出ないのです。しかし、筋肉を鍛えることによって筋肉の周りに脂肪がつきにくいらしい です。

My body's age is 24

Today, I measure my muscle. I am now 27 years old but my body's age is 24 years 0ld. Hehehe, I am so happy. I earned 3 years from going to gym and doing exercise.
To reduce your body's fat, you have to do 2 kinds of exercise. First is aerobic exercise such as running or jogging or dancing. When you do aerobic exercise, you need much oxygen and the oxygen is used to burn your fat. The second exercise is exercise without oxygen (?) such as muscle building. You don't need to swallow much oxygen when doing this kind of exercise. But when you buildup your muscle, the fat around the muscle fades out gradually.
So if you want to reduce your body's fat, please try these 2 kinds of exercise LOR MERL!


At 2/16/2008 11:06:00 pm, Blogger Cheatey said...

sounds good...but guess what? i lose weight by doing nth... (hah, that's sounds much better) and i have no idea of how that's work, but i'm, maybe cuz of carry those giant book back and forth hoey...

At 2/17/2008 02:50:00 pm, Blogger hp said...

Hehehe, good on you.
Envy you!
Anyway, wish you good result for your studies.


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