Wednesday, February 20, 2008

卒業後帰国しないって悪い(?)。。。Is it bad working here?

でも僕にも言い分があります。僕は農家の家族で育って、プノンペンでの進学は親が必死にがんばって、兄妹が我慢してくれたから僕はプノンペンでがんばれる 機会がありました。自分も日本に留学することは夢を見たものの、周りの人たちに支えてもらわなかったら今日もないです。来日してからも一生懸命勉強して、 アルバイトもして、大学院まで進めました。その苦労については誰も知らないはずです。その親戚はもちろん、親すら知らせたこともなかったです。それは自分 の人生、自分の道だから自分で責任をもってがんばりました。いざ、卒業になると「国に帰れ!国づくりに貢献しろ」といわれても困惑するしかないです。とい うのは今後5年間の間、卒業して国に帰ってもまず国づくりに貢献できないと思います。
賄賂に家族主義、「俺の仲間じゃなければいくら能力があっても仕事をやらせない」という現状の中、国の発展に貢献するところか、その人たちに変えられて、 賄賂群になるか自分の人生自体がだめになるしかないです。新卒の僕らには国をよくする力を持っていません。でも10年後の僕らはその力を持っているかもし れないのです。

People who don't go back to Cambodia after graduated are selfish?

Yesterday, I called my uncle in Cambodia. We talked a lot about each other's recent situation.
When it came to my plan after graduated from college, he scolded me after I said I wanted to work here for a while. He said "because people like you who studied abroad do not come back to Cambodia, Cambodia is still poor country."
Well it is absolutely right. If we don't go back who help build our country? But you know, I have my reason. Looking back 10 years ago, who was I ? I was only a boy in a farmer's family. My parents tried so hard to send me to Phnom Penh. My bothers and sisters must bear with poor life because of me. After I came here, of course I god scholarship at first but later I must do part-time job to pay for my school fee. I worked so hard, but who knows? Even my parents, they don't know because I never tell them. I think this is my life, the one who is responsible for this life is only me. I must find my way by myself.
When I graduated from my school, everyone scolded me for not going back to Cambodia. But can you answer me? If I were the farmer in the country side, would you scold me for not help my country? Why I am bad now? Why I have to please you by follow you? Are you responsible for my life?
I am sure, there is no one understand about my life more than mysefl. I have my way to help my country. Not only government offcier can help build country.
I actually don't like politic. My life is not suit with politic. And I am sure I can do better if I am not a politician. That's the way that I can do, only me who can do, I feel happiness walking that way. Do you think I am guilty by just working here for a while?

Friday, February 15, 2008

ジム通いの成果。。。Outcome from going to gym

体脂肪を減らすには有酸素運動と無酸素運動の組み合わせを行えばいいらしいです。有酸素運動とはジョギングや走り、そしてサイクリングなどといったたくさ ん空気を吸って汗を流す運動です。この有酸素運動をすることによって体内脂肪が燃焼され脂肪が減るのです。そして無酸素運動とは筋トレーなど筋肉を強化す る運動です。この運動はあまりたくさん息を吸わないし、汗もそれほど出ないのです。しかし、筋肉を鍛えることによって筋肉の周りに脂肪がつきにくいらしい です。

My body's age is 24

Today, I measure my muscle. I am now 27 years old but my body's age is 24 years 0ld. Hehehe, I am so happy. I earned 3 years from going to gym and doing exercise.
To reduce your body's fat, you have to do 2 kinds of exercise. First is aerobic exercise such as running or jogging or dancing. When you do aerobic exercise, you need much oxygen and the oxygen is used to burn your fat. The second exercise is exercise without oxygen (?) such as muscle building. You don't need to swallow much oxygen when doing this kind of exercise. But when you buildup your muscle, the fat around the muscle fades out gradually.
So if you want to reduce your body's fat, please try these 2 kinds of exercise LOR MERL!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


実はカンボジアにいたとき英語を勉強しましたが、来日してから学校の英語授業以外英語を勉強しません。カンボジアと比べたら、日本では気軽に英会話教室を 通えないですね。カンボジアではお金あるときに授業に出るし、お金がなかったら休む。。。という感じでした。教室も高校の教室だったり、学校と隣接する普 通の家で行うし、ストリート学校(?)みたいですね。最近はちゃんとした英会話学校が増えてくるみたいですね。でも僕には昔の英会話教室のほうが通いやす かった気がします。

My English Test (TOEIC)

Last month I took English test called TOEIC (Test Of English for International Communication). The result was released today. I got 860/990. It is not perfect, but this is my real ability, hehehe. In fact, I took this test once 4 years ago and I got 730/990.
After I came to japan, my foreign language is Japanese. I don't have English lesson in university. But I have to read and write my thesis in English. Moreover, there is one foreign staff in my lab, that's why I have many chances to use English and this lead to the improvement of my English as well. Of course, blog is also a place I can use English.
Next time... if I have time I will challenge with more tests such as TOEFL and IELTS too. But I don't know when yet because I have more works to do before that.