Tuesday, August 26, 2008

感心しました・・・I am inspired


彼はこの様に自分を紹介しました。「 A kid who came from nothing. A kid who had a dream. A kid who gave it all but never gave up. Go be that kid. And maybe one day, i will read your story.」(全文はXINの歴史



I happened to reach a website of XIN, a performer of martial art living in America. In fact, he is a half-Cambodian who was born in the land of Cambodia and refuged to America when he was still a child. What impressed me so much of course is his performance. Below movie is one of his movie, yeah, I really want to watch this but I cannot find it yet.
Well, his performance is fantastic, but I am really inspired with his life. You can learn more about his life HERE. The last sentence he introduces himself is "A kid who came from nothing. A kid who had a dream. A kid who gave it all but never gave up. Go be that kid. And maybe one day, i will read your story". I really want to watch his show. Would he come to Japan someday, I absolutely go to meet him. Of course, if I have time I'll go to America to visit his Dojo.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

よくわからない世の中・・・Too complicated




If you were in this situation...

When you see someone who is about to jump into a dangerous place, will you help pull him/her back to safety place?

Give you an example. When there is a land-mine field near you. But 1).some of people around do not know that there are landmines around there, 2). some of them know that there are landmines but they do not know how dangerous it is, 3). some of them know there is landmines and understand the power of landmine but they are confindent that they will not step on them, and 4). some of them know well about landmine, but they want to try this danger.

For this 4 kinds of people, if I ask you who should you help pull back, you may say the 1) and 2) people. But the problem is that, how can you distinguish these 4 group? Another problem is that, if the 3) or 4) people are your family or your lover or your best friends, can you just let them go?

In our daily life, everything is unclear before it happens. This is because no one can predict the future. For example of landmine, it is clear because there are sign board or other information from experience. But in real life, even if you told someone that what they are going to do is dangerous one, how many people believe you?

I experienced this. I was so upset when tried to pull my friend from what I think is dangerous. But that one doesn't want to listen to me. I want to let that one do what they want, but it is really hard for me to just see that one just fall into a worst situation.

Living in Japan, I often experienced this kind of problem. Because in Japan, the trend of "self-resposibility" and "everyone has her/his own way" is strong. So people do not care about the others' activities or decision. I am not Japanese, I understand these principles but my brain can accept this. Because, I think people need to learn to improve themselve. Learning from each others is a special character of human to be different from animal. If we just say "self-responsibility" or "everyone has her/his own way", the gap between the strongs and the weaks will be widen, the strongs will be stronger, the weaks will be culled out from this world. Then human society is more likely to be animal society...is my opinion.
I know, there are many thing we cannot do with our small power, but I just can't let it be...oh my bad habit.