彼はこの様に自分を紹介しました。「 A kid who came from nothing. A kid who had a dream. A kid who gave it all but never gave up. Go be that kid. And maybe one day, i will read your story.」(全文はXINの歴史)
I happened to reach a website of XIN, a performer of martial art living in America. In fact, he is a half-Cambodian who was born in the land of Cambodia and refuged to America when he was still a child. What impressed me so much of course is his performance. Below movie is one of his movie, yeah, I really want to watch this but I cannot find it yet. Well, his performance is fantastic, but I am really inspired with his life. You can learn more about his life HERE. The last sentence he introduces himself is "A kid who came from nothing. A kid who had a dream. A kid who gave it all but never gave up. Go be that kid. And maybe one day, i will read your story". I really want to watch his show. Would he come to Japan someday, I absolutely go to meet him. Of course, if I have time I'll go to America to visit his Dojo.
When you see someone who is about to jump into a dangerous place, will you help pull him/her back to safety place?
Give you an example. When there is a land-mine field near you. But 1).some of people around do not know that there are landmines around there, 2). some of them know that there are landmines but they do not know how dangerous it is, 3). some of them know there is landmines and understand the power of landmine but they are confindent that they will not step on them, and 4). some of them know well about landmine, but they want to try this danger.
For this 4 kinds of people, if I ask you who should you help pull back, you may say the 1) and 2) people. But the problem is that, how can you distinguish these 4 group? Another problem is that, if the 3) or 4) people are your family or your lover or your best friends, can you just let them go?
In our daily life, everything is unclear before it happens. This is because no one can predict the future. For example of landmine, it is clear because there are sign board or other information from experience. But in real life, even if you told someone that what they are going to do is dangerous one, how many people believe you?
I experienced this. I was so upset when tried to pull my friend from what I think is dangerous. But that one doesn't want to listen to me. I want to let that one do what they want, but it is really hard for me to just see that one just fall into a worst situation.
Living in Japan, I often experienced this kind of problem. Because in Japan, the trend of "self-resposibility" and "everyone has her/his own way" is strong. So people do not care about the others' activities or decision. I am not Japanese, I understand these principles but my brain can accept this. Because, I think people need to learn to improve themselve. Learning from each others is a special character of human to be different from animal. If we just say "self-responsibility" or "everyone has her/his own way", the gap between the strongs and the weaks will be widen, the strongs will be stronger, the weaks will be culled out from this world. Then human society is more likely to be animal society...is my opinion. I know, there are many thing we cannot do with our small power, but I just can't let it be...oh my bad habit.
Recently, I was often consulted by my juniors. It is job-hunting season now in Japan. My juniors are compentent but they can't find a job yet. Why? Because they do not know who they are. When they do not know who they are, how can the interviewer know who they are? This is the biggest problem leading to failure of job-hunting. Well, it is not only job-hunting, when people do not know who they are, they will always late to act. At the end, they are always the one who just repeat the others' way and sometimes meet only failure because that way is not suit for his/her life. Life is something unique, I think. If you want to succeed your life, you should not just follow one's way. You must find your own way, your own speed, and your own chance. You can learn from the others to create your own theory, but you should not use other's theory to apply in your life. Because your life is really different from the other's. And if you do not know what your life should be, what you want your life to be, what your life can be, then you will always want to try someone's theory, not your own because you cannot create your own theory. Well, let me suggest you one method how to find yourself. It is "look at yourself objectively". When you analyze yourself, you must be someone other than yourself and analyze logically. Ask yourself "why you like/hate one thing?" and reply honestly to yourself. Then judge it fairly whetehr it is acceptable for the society or not, whether your reason leads you to a bright future or not. If so, what is the way? how can it leads to success? When you know yourself, you will get what is real happiness for you. If you got the answer, that is the goal for your life, no need to find anymore.
人間は素直になれることがとても難しい~~~ですね。 昨日、カンボジアいとこにこう言われました。「帰ってきたら、嫌われないようにね!」って。彼が言うには、「海外で勉強した人は自分が知識があると思っ て、向こうの人を変えようとする。だから、嫌われる。だって、海外で勉強したから現地の事情を知らないはず。仕事はできるけど、人を否定すると絶対に嫌わ れる」。 確かにそのとおりですね。どんな人でも否定されたくないですね。むしろ、何十年間もの間そのイスに座った人たちだし、簡単には譲らないでしょう。それは十 分承知しています。日本の代表サッカーチームもこのようなことがあると聞きました。まぁ、どこの国でもある話、だってみんな人間ですから、プライドがある のは当たり前ですね。 ですが、問題は僕ら海外組みだけじゃないと思います。地方の役場などに勤務するプノンペンの人も地方の人を否定すると思います。いとこは官僚を育成する学 校(Ecole Royal de l' Administration ?: ERA)を卒業した人で、僕は「お前も高卒の地方公務員のやり方を否定したくなるときだってあるだろう?」と彼に尋ねたら「それは、、、へへへ」と答えま した。まぁ、そんな答えは出ると思ったんですけどね。 僕はこう思います。せっかく知識もあるのに、経験もあるのにうまく融合して国づくりに役立てないのがカンボジアにとってはものすごくもったいないことです。なぜ融合できないでしょう? 僕なりの結論ですと、それは「国づくり」という目標が一致していないからだと思います。みんな「俺は国のため」と言いながらも心の中では「金と権力のため だよ」だと、譲り合えないと思います。もし、みんな本気で「国のため」なら、多少のことは譲り合えるし、お互いの能力を融合できると思います。 僕らのOBが自殺する事件もありました。本当の原因はなんだかはわかりませんが、思い通りの改革ができなくて、精神病になったらしいです。 カンボジアの今の社会の問題点の一つとして、人は素直になれないことだと思います。みんな強い人だけが勝つので、うそもつき、悪いことだって平気でやります。自分の非を認めると間違いなくつぶされますので、みんな自分の非を認めたくないですね。 じゃ、僕ら海外組みはどうすればいいですか?答えは。。。わかりません。カンボジアを良くしたいけど、改革すると嫌われるし、向こうのだめなところも否定 できなくなり。。。結局向こう色に染められるだけなのかな~~~まぁ、政府機関以外のところで国づくりに貢献するしかないですね。これも悪くないですが、 さって会社を起こすと向こうのお批判様に「国づくりに貢献しない」といわれないですかね~~?言われてもなぁ~~~ 大変です。考えれば考えるほど頭が痛くなります。でも、僕は考え続けます。必ずいい道はあるはずです。
People who studied abroad always neglect people in Cambodia, is it true?
Yesterday, I talked with my brother who graduated from ERA (Ecole Royal de l' Administration ?) and now is working in a minstry. He told me not to make people in Cambodia hate me by neglecting their way of working. Of course, I am not that kind of person and I have never thought of doing that. Because my goal is not to win or lose on those people, my goal is to help develop my country. Anyway, after I heard this, I came with a question. "Why people from abroad and people in Cambodia can't work together?" They both have their own experiences, their own knowledge. If we can merge those experiences and knowledge together, I am sure we can make a strong machine for development of Cambodia. I am not sure what I thought is right, but I have one answer. The problem is that both side have never thought of "working for development of Cambodia", they work for their "wealth and power". Why do I say so? Because I am sure, if both of them think of the development of Cambodia, they can understand and adopt him/herself to the situation to produce the best result for development. But who cares? Everyone needs only fame, wealth and power. Pride is everything for them. This is the biggest problem. One of my senior killed himself after working a couple 0f years in ministry of economic and finance. The cause was pressure from work. Well, there are many complicated thing we can't understand. But I think there must be way to help develop my country and the way is my way lol. I know what can I do, what should I do and when should I do. I hope the situation is improved so that everyone can work smoothly together.
Some says I am a printer, some says I am a notebook and some says I am a Hungry Pig. Ok, you can imagine whatever you like. I sometimes want to become like the wind, no one can see my shape but everyone need my existence...